tisdag 30 april 2013

Some of what you've learned!

In this passage from her autobiaography, Rosa Parks describes the event which started a yearlong bus boycott which ended only after the US Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was unconstitutional.

People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired but that isn’t true. I was no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day.

Sometimes the sudden actions of one person can be the beginning of a great event.

How can you connect the words: happiness, sadness, responsibility, innocence, childhood and adulthood to your everyday life?

The beginning of April was fine. The sun shone from a clear blue sky and it was warm enough to melt some of the snow. Mud and grass began to appear in Annie’s field.

The morning of the fifteenth, however, was windy and dull, and Annie changed. She didn’t come into his room with his tablets until nine o’clock, and by then he needed them quite badly- so badly that he nearly got some from under the mattress.

She began to pinch her lower lip between the finger and thumb. She pulled it out and twisted it, while pinching it to hard. Drops of blood began to fall down her chin. She turned and left without speaking another word, before his astonished mind could persuade itself that he had really seen her do that. She closed the door and locked it.

In her other hand was a rat- trap. There was a large grey rat in it. The trap had broken the rat’s back. There was blood around its mouth, but it was still alive. It was struggling and squeaking.

I’m closer to death than I’ve ever been in my life, he thought, because she means it. She’s as insane as the husband who murders his whole family before killing himself - and who thinks he is being a good husband and father.

‘Misery?’ she asked, and Paul thought - or hoped - that there was a tiny sign of life in her eyes. ‘Yes.’ What should he say next? How could he stop her killing him? ’I agree that the world’s an awful place. I mean, I’ve been in so much pain these last few weeks, but-’

‘Pain?’ She interrupted him. ‘You don’t know what pain is, Paul. You haven’t  any idea at all.’ She looked at him with contempt.
’No, I suppose not- not compared with you, anyway.’
‘That’s right.’
‘But I want to finish this book. I want to see what happens to Misery. And I’d like you to be here too. Don’t you want to find out what happens?’

My relationship with Mom drastically changed from discipline that developed into a kind of lifestyle that grew out of control. It became so bad at times, I had no strength to crawl away- even if it meant saving my life.

When Mother decided that the ‘corner treatment’ was no longer effective, I graduated to the ‘mirror treatment’. In the beginning, it was a no-notice form of punishment. Mother would simply grab me and smash my face against the mirror, smearing my tearstreaked face on the slick, reflective glass. Then she would order me to say over and over again, ‘I’m a bad boy! I’m a bad boy! I’m a bad boy!’ I was then forced to stand, staring into the mirror. I would stand there with my hands locked to my sides, weaving back and forth, dreading the moment when the second set of television commercials aired. I knew Mother would soon be stomping down the hall to see if my face was still against the mirror, and tell me what a sickening child I was.

Mother then reached over and turned on the gas burners to the kitchen stove. Mother told me that she had read an article about a mother who had her son lie on top of a hot stove. I instantly became terrified. I wanted to disappear. I closed my eyes, wishing her away. My brain locked up when I felt Mother’s hand clamp my arm as if it were in a vice grip.
    ‘You’ve made my life a living hell!’ she sneered. ‘Now it’s time I showed you what hell is like!’

Carl Lee takes avenges on the perpetrators who raped and almost killed his little girl Tonya. What do you think about his actions? Does anyone have the right to revenge a crime committed against a loved one? Exlain your opinion by referring to the film.

The speech explains how Dr. King visioned a more equal world. Can you find themes that are in common in the two texts? Use quotes to exemplify and explain you choices. Are there any phrases or sentences that especially move you heart and mind? Do you have a dream of your own about something in society that you think could improve or change? What do you hope for and how do you imagine the future?

fredag 26 april 2013

Your words and sentences- How to use these within the theme Doing the Right Thing

I have developed a program.
 I wrote a summary about a book.
I will graduate in two years.
If you look in detail you can see all the components.
Before you go to the moon, you sit in a space simulator.
The presentation Michael did was very notable.
When I grow up i will be a Master of Science.
Amel and Kristian will explore the jungle this summer.
If you have a good education you have a lot of opportunities in life.
Engineering requires a certain set of skills.
I was caught by a surveillance camera when i smashed the window.
I have no education. You’re not a master of science.
My mom is a mechanical engineer. Half of the surveillance team was killed in an earthquake.
My father suffers from sleep apnee.
The ATM isn’t working at the moment.
You have to triplecheck your grammar.
I helped in the developement of a nuclear powerplant once.
You must participate in this competition in order to win the price.
Our employees are well paid.
All employees must be cooperative
Tripple check your resumé to spot e.g. miss-spelling
I have a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering
A company must develop new things to succeed
A company has to improve to stay competitive
Diamond is a very solid material

Preparing Speaking

Now that you know about the theme "Doing the Right Thing," which topics do you think will occur at the test? Discuss with friends and make a list where you can come up with words to use connected to the topics.

En sammanfattning- språksociologi


Språksociologi behandlar hur vi talar och vilka faktorer som påverkar språket vi använder. Ni ska göra en film som hanterar denna fråga. Filmen ska vara fem minuter lång och ni får själva bestämma hur ni utformar den. Det kan vara en diskussion, intervjuer, exempel på olika tal, informativt berättande eller vad ni vill som illustrerar ämnet språksociologi.

 Om ni kan komma på andra faktorer som påverkar hur vi talar än de nedan får ni givetvis argumentera för det men faktorer fastställda genom forskning är till exempel:
  • Dialekter- Vilken regional tillhörighet har jag och vad är speciellt med den dialekten?
  • Ålder- Hur gammal är jag och vad är speciellt med min åldersgrupps spåk?
  • Etnisk bakgrund- Är jag svensk, utländsk eller har ett annat första språk och hur påverkar det hur jag uttrycker mig?
  • Situation- Befinner jag mig i en situation som är formell eller informell, d.v.s. när jag är på t.ex. jobbintervju eller med kompisar, och hur påverkar denna mitt språk?
  • Social bakgrund- Vilket socialt skikt och vilken utbildningsnivå har jag och min familj? Hur påverkar det mitt språk?
  • Social nuvarande grupptillhörighet- Vem väljer jag att umgås med på arbetet/fritiden och hur  påverkar det mitt språk?
  • Könstillhörighet- Uttrycker jag mig olika beroende på vilket kön jag tillhör?



tisdag 23 april 2013

Välj en av uppgifterna och skriv 300–600 ord. Tänk på att redovisa
källan när du refererar från en text. Detta är en övning och du får 30 minuter på dig för detta. Imorgon under lektionstid, rättar jag din text och lämnar tillbaka den via mail. Där ger jag tips och råd som DU ska tänka på inför uppsatsen på torsdag.
4. Min passion för ...
”Fotbollen som rus, som flykt. Men fotbollen är också hemkomst.” Så beskriver Marcus Birro i krönikan ”Kärleksmanifest!” (blogg.expressen.se/birro publicerad 10.10.2009) sitt passionerade intresse för fotboll. Vad kan ett intresse, såsom sport, musik, mode etc., betyda i människors liv? Din lokaltidning har en artikelserie om fritidsintressen. Nu efterlyser tidningen läsarinlägg om vad ett fritidsintresse kan betyda i en människas liv. Du bestämmer dig för att skriva ett inlägg om ditt fritidsintresse.
Skriv ditt inlägg.
Redogör för ett fritidsintresse och förklara utförligt varför det är viktigt för dig. Presentera någon/några synpunkter från Marcus Birros krönika och jämför dessa med ditt eget intresse och hur du känner för det.
Min passion för ..






Discuss the following topics

Why is your choice of career an important one?

If you had to take part in a TV- show, which would it be and why?

If you had to tell the truth for a week, how do you think that would have affected your life?

Do you believe in God or any other force? Give your reasons.

How long has it been since you cried? Do you think there are any differences between why women and men cry? Give your reasons!